Thursday, September 18, 2014

Breaking the ego : Bound to do things differently

I finally had my self taken out of the two social networking sites.

I. feel . good.

I do know I have to go out and get connected again, for I have a responsibility to the society. I know this .

For now, I'll serve my family.

My father has been diagnosed with stage 3 Diabetes. We have to be very careful, stage four would need constant supply of insulin.

I've been cooking, planning meals (esp for my father), maintaining the house, cleaning animal wastes...I've been doing things I don't normally do. 

I find this moment of my life really grounding, cleansing, and ego breaking.

As I've said before, I can no longer go back to who I was.

The plan is to serve the family, pursue my true self as an artist, work on social public programs, and establish myself financially. 

I do not think like how the general mass does, I have to accept that I'am different...and bound to do different things than what is not normally accepted. 

  1. Ralph Waldo Emerson — 'To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.'

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