Tuesday, January 13, 2015

DEC 2014 - JAN 2015

With all the things not going well in the world, it’s not easy to see the spark of the divine in each person. Not to dismiss the light that is in everyone, but unless we see even a glimpse of that light, there really is nothing much to connect or work on with; and well our time as we know it in this journey, is limited.

I still feel very distant against the current society’s way of life. Needless to say, as much as I want people to understand the way I think and the decisions I make (as much as I want to “belong”) I value my freedom to live for what I deem “right” way much more.

The universe has sent me a wonderful man I can build a family with. So yes, I will get to enjoy this wonderful experience of family life.

I need a partner who will not patronize and who will let me grow as much as a person.

I need to get my things done.
What is life, but simply to live? To be the best we can be, and to offer this society that “good” which we are capable of “becoming”…which we “are” innately. We need to be the best we can be simply because the society needs it; simply because it is the right thing to do.
Scientifically, the memories we deem meaningful is but a state of mind. Having said that, everything is a state of mind…unless...unless there is a soul.
In a world bound by the limitation of time, being mortals that we are, it’s easy to think that the meaning of life lies on “results”…on “successes” we can measure. But for me, it lies on those moments untouched by time…which resides beyond what we merely can perceive and understand…and I would like to believe that the place where it resides, is what we call our soul.
At the midst of this funny society I live in, I have had many of those “soulful” moments. I see it every day now at the face of my family…of my friends…and just recently…a glimpse of the pope.

Btw The pope’s message this 2015 is very clear to me: faith, family, and charity.

A friend has brought about the idea of “karma”; of having to live life over and over with no conclusion. But if we are open our selvesto the idea of karma, then it would lead us to the limitless world of possibilities such as Nirvana and Multi Universes.

As I've said before, I want to keep my life simple and stick to what I can observe. I’d like to stick with the very reasonable observation that -Life is all in the head; It’s an experience. We choose how we experience life, and the decisions we make helps us mold that experience.

The obvious need in this world is change in the society. And all the change we need to see, starts in one’s self.

Although I miss my work, I really am cherishing my time now with the family.